Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Spiders and Home Teachers

HAHAHAHAHA. ok. so, Nicole and I were watching food network and she says "Dont look by the door"
so, I did. I looked, and there was this nasty spider on our wall. It was sick. It was pretty big. I've killed bigger, but this one grossed me out. It was moving its legs a lot, and it was just sick looking. So I went to kill it but it fell and I didnt want to smash it in the carpet. so, we waited and it crawled back on the wall. meanwhile Nicole says I should call my home teacher hahahaha. actually she said my brothers first but I decided they would take too long. So I justified calling my home teacher because last week my roomate called her home teacher to come and dispose of some VERY rotten bananas...they were leaking...We didnt know they were there....we still have fruit flies all over from them. sick... so I called my home teacher...hehe I made sure he was close by. He asked what I needed and I said there was this really big spider I wanted him to kill hhahaha. He was like "really??" hahaha and I couldnt help but laugh. so while we waited for him to come, Nicole and I were looking at it...we were bent over, hands on knees, staring at it...same position hahaha if anyone would have walked in, they would have laughed. We were both capable of doing it, but neither of us wanted to. so my home teacher came and killed it. He thought it was funny...so did we hahaha. when he left he was like "I've never been called by my home teachee to kill a spider before." hahaha I figured it was good for him to preform that small service...I generally dont call on my home teachers to serve me so this was good. HAHAHA


Theresa said...

i have a homemade remedy for you for the fruit flies,... put a piece of fruit into a small jar. Tape a piece of paper in the shape of a funnel to the jar with the opening inside and close to the bottom of the jars so that the flies can get into the jar,.but they will have a hard time finding the hole they came in with. Once you've caught them all. stick the jar in the freezer until all flies are dead then throw them away.

Theresa said...

i'll email you a picture.

Karrae said...

yay. thanks. i'll try it. can we put water in it?? or will they not go for the fruit that way? and does it have to go in the freezer? can we just throw it out?

Theresa said...

don't put water in it. they're not going to find they're way out in the freezer,.. no worries,... and you can just throw it out if you don't want to keep the jar,... if you want to keep the jar, you need to kill them before you take the tape and paper off and dump them out with the fruit.