Friday, September 23, 2011

The Journey

I am making a comeback to the blogging world.

I have been searching and searching for something that I have lost, or perhaps, I never really had it. I didn't realize I was missing it until about a year ago. It occurred to me that I was missing a very crucial part of my being. I was missing myself.

I began my search for me just under a year ago. I was in a relationship, but it wasn't working out so well. I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working. I mean, come on, I was trying my best to be everything this guy wanted me to be. What I didn't see was that he wanted me to be myself. I hadn't ever thought that I was not being myself. I guess I didn't really know what it meant to be myself.

Through the relationship I was in, I discovered that until I figured out who I was and what I wanted, I would never be able to be in a relationship. After all, isn't being in a relationship merely just being yourself with someone else? The most important thing I learned was that I would never believe that other people truly cared about or liked me until I truly cared about and liked myself. This started me wondering, who am I?

I never really met myself. Would I find myself likable? Would I be friends with myself? Would we like the same things, have the same interests? These questions were some of the things I asked myself as I prepared to meet myself. I mean, who was I expecting to meet? The me I did know didn't like having opinions because she didn't like confrontation or arguments. She found it much safer to hold back all judgments and opinions because then she never had to worry.

To be continued...

Next time on Discovering Me:
Find out what one of the first things I learned on my journey to meeting myself was.

I am going to review my experiences on this blog. You lovely followers get to experience what it's like to be me. Lucky you. I have come a long way in the past year and I hope to write about the experiences I've had since then, but more importantly I am currently involved in some other study opportunities where I get to know myself even better. YaY! Stay tuned for the fun adventure!


Theresa said...

Karrae,... i found you! you're lost in that tree!

Saundra said...

I would like to comment on your question, " isn't being in a relationship merely just being yourself with someone else?" Yes, it is. To emphasize this concept watch this clip for about the first minute and 15 seconds.

Karrae said...

stole the thought right out of my head! I totally learned that concept from that movie. :D

Sara Diane said...

I think you would like yourself if you met yourself. You are a generally likeable person who generally likes everyone, so I am pretty sure you and you would get along just fine :-)

Cynthia said...

Yay! I'm glad you're blogging again! I miss you and love you! Can't wait to read the next blog. I shall do that now. :)