Monday, October 17, 2011

The Challenge, Days 20 and 21

Day 20, Sunday, Oct 16:

Saturday night I put my hair in rags so it would be nice and curly the next day. Oooo.

It didn't work too too well, but I fixed some of the straight pieces and put it up. I wore my gray rose dress that I bought for graduation. I didn't think I looked that great, but apparently nobody else thought that.
I went to choir practice that morning and about three people commented on how amazing I looked. they would gesture to all of me and just be almost speechless. weird. Then I continued to receive similar reactions all through church, so I started keeping a tally. Fourteen people made the same comment to me throughout the day. My favorite one was from a boy; he said, "Karrae, you're looking very tall today." bahaha. Anyway, I didn't get a good picture of my whole outfit, but you can see the back of my head. :D

Day 21, Monday, Oct 17:

I slept in a whole extra hour today. Bad idea. Oh well.
I just threw my hair up and put a headband on to cover the grossest part.
My roommate says I look like I'm ready to run off and exercise with Richard Simmons. Thanks, Red, thanks.

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