Monday, October 10, 2011

The Challenge, Day 14

Monday, Oct 10th

Today I am still pretty swollen in my face, but I try to ignore it.
I think my hair is getting too long, but I don't have any money to cut it.
I'm getting kind of tired of taking pictures of my face, but I still have 16 more days to go.
It's a good thing I'm doing this challenge or I would be sorely tempted to not dress up in the mornings sometimes.
I know it's for my personal benefit to keep dressing my truth everyday. I can tell the difference it makes on my attitude the rest of the day, but sometimes I am just so exhausted.
Sometimes I just want to curl up in a ball and hide in my room with a good book.
Oh well.


Theresa said...

Jenny and I joke about dressing our sick truth or dressing down sometimes is dressing our truth that day.,.... you don't have to be on all the time,.. but you will find when you do it makes you feel better and when you only do some of it,.. just accept that's your truth that day. :) what you will find is that dressing up doesn't become "dressing up" any more. It's just getting dressed regularly and doesn't really take you any more time than getting dressed usually takes. But you'll like how you look more most of the time and those days that you don't do as much to get ready you'll still have the colors right and look better than you would have if you were throwing all of it out the window. Keep up the good work. You look great!

Todd said...

Your the best sis! :)

Karrae said...

Thanks Guys!